Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Back again!

After reading about blogging on Creative Living I thought I had better restart mine. Life has moved on so quickly from this time last year. I am at GB's most of the time now and H lives with us here. The Goblin spends his time between us, his dad and his grandad and P lives with her mum now.
So here I am, warts and all. A single mum, home educator of 2 hormonal young men, a student aromatherapist desperately trying to find time to study while beginning a new phase of my life with a wonderful man.
I will try to keep my blog honest. Things get tough and life isn't always rose tinted. I have 'met' some wonderful people through the internet and they have inspired me on so many levels.
You all know who you are.
Sandybeth xx

Friday, 16 January 2009

Charity shop haul

I found this lovely dress in my favourite charity shop yesterday. We have a family wedding to attend later in the year and as I have set myself a clothing budget of £100 for the year i was pleased to get this for £2.50. I also found a long sleeved t-shirt for £1, a Laura Ashley blouse for £4.04 and a Zara skirt for £4.04. The last two were amazing quality items so I didn't mind spending a bit more.