I am a bit behind with the blogging. We had a wonderful few days last week at a family wedding in Devon. The drive down was beautiful and it seemed a million miles away from south east London/Kent. It always shocks me how many people live in such a small space, we seem so hemmed in here. Traffic, noise, pollution, it's constant. The pace of life in the South West really did seem slower. Sadly we are not in a position to move too far at the moment, but hopefully by this time next year we will be in a slightly more rural location with a bigger garden. It's easy to be drawn in to the pace of life in the south east. When I go to London at the weekends for my aromatherapy course I am part of that hustle and bustle myself, I am no better than anyone else. I run for the tube and train with all the pushing and shoving to get a seat or just a spot to stand and I hate it. It's a million miles from home and a billion miles from Devon. I can only live my more authentic life here and learn to be content with my lot at the moment.